My Friend 2

I woke up scared and shivering. I didn’t know how to get out of bed as it was still the middle of the night. Thankfully, my other cousin was lying in the same bed with me. She happened to be living with us at the time. She woke up and called my parents.

You are wondering what scared me in the dream? Nne, I just got off a full time initiation! You needed to be in that dream.

So I got to my parents room and narrated my dream amidst shivers. We read Romans 14:7 and it just read

“if I live I live for Christ and if I die I die for Christ. So then whether I live or I die I am Christ’s”.

That’s crazy because I haven’t read it that way again ever since. I now read “no man lives to himself and none dies to himself.”

That just made some connective sense right now as I write.

Well, for someone like me who started seeking a meaning to life very early, I think I got a road map early with that dream. I’m obviously supposed to be saying to everyone “Believe in Jesus or die in Satan!”
Alright, listen everyone! I nearly gave up on my “Christian faith”. The expectations of the Christian faith were more than my strength could carry.

I had pains and disappointments that my faith asked me to sweep under the carpet, sorry, forgive. I couldn’t, not even to save my life. I had insecurities I didn’t know how to deal with.

I read “motivational books” and listened to “motivational speakers” and they brought more hope. So I was going to walk away- from the faith.

Until HE came through for me. My friend, I mean. He began to teach me some things I hadn’t known.

I soon realized that I was focusing on the wrong thing. I was focusing on the people of the faith and not the Faith. I was focused on the body of Christ and not Christ himself. So we decided to do this walk together – no, I agreed to walk with Him.

So it gets easier by the day because I am aiming to please him and not them. When it gets tough, I talk to him. When I make a mistake, I talk to him. When I am confused and unsure of my decisions, I talk to him. He’s my present help in trouble. I learn to love him better as we walk together, as much as I learn to be like him.

Hey, friend, let me introduce you to MY FRIEND. His name is Jesus Christ, the first born son in the family of God. He is such an amazing and interesting friend. Join me in this walk – study your Bible and pray without ending!


“The lazy person claims, “There’s a lion out there! If I go outside, I might be killed!” Prov. 22:13 (NLT).

I remember my first foray into professional writing. I had visited a friend who wrote articles for clients and gets paid for them. He asked me to help him out with one of the articles, as he had a lot of them to do. Prior to that moment, I have been writing just inspirationals and motivationals (still my forte).

When he made the request, I obliged, totally oblivious of what makes a professional article. Within the next 30 minutes, I had done a little research on professional writing. I had also researched on works done on the topic of interest. Within an hour, 30 minutes or so, I came up with an article.

Obviously, my friend was elated and decided to take me through the rudiments of professional writing. Today, professional writing has become one of my alternative sources of income.

Rewind to that day when my friend asked me to help out. The easiest thing I could’ve done would’ve been to tell him “bro, I am not a professional Writer, I only write inspirationals and motivationals”. Just maybe, I would have never improved on my writing skills nor enlarged my writing territories. When my opportunity came, instead of giving excuses, I took responsibility.

My local church has this mantra and I repeat it to myself anytime I try to give excuse for my laziness and mediocrity: “EXCUSES ARE TOOLS FOR THE INCOMPETENT, USED TO BUILD MONUMENTS OF NOTHINGNESS. THOSE WHO USE THEM ARE NOT WISE”.

If you are going to excellently manifest all that God has designed you to manifest, then you need to part ways with excuses. They will never help you attain great heights, rather they will continually send you down the drain of mediocrity.

Today, subdue every laziness and mediocrity by not making excuses for them.