You Can Do It! 

Everyday we meet people who are doing great things, attaining new heights and climbing new stages of ages.

How do they do it? You are tempted to ask. 

The short answer is yes, you can!. 

There’s absolutely nothing you can’t do. 

Here’s why:

1. You’re Special:

You and I and everyone else is a unique blend of awesomeness. We have unique experiences. A unique voice. A unique mix of ideas, examples, and stories. Sadly, most people don’t recognise their uniqueness. 

This reminds me of something I saw some weeks ago when I was surfing through my Facebook news feed. It was a post that read:

“We all need constant reminders of our ingenuity in order to dig up our potential.”

And that was it. I was totally lit up after reminiscing on some great moments. Indeed we all are special and that’s what helps us deal with life’s problems in our unique ways. 

2. Life challenges everyone

Life’s full of challenges. Ups and downs. Hills and valleys. Pits and peaks. 

Unique as they may seem, these challenges are common to all. Everyone faces one situation or the other. 

But beyond these challenges you must travel everyday. You must burrow your way out of these pits in order to make it to the peak. 

This fact helps us adjust to life easily knowing that we are not the only ones going through bumps. 

Ending Notes

Bear this in mind: 

Although times are hard and the roads you tread are rough, you can still succeed. 

It’s a function of your thought line. 

Henry Ford says it best:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t…you’re right.” –   Henry Ford

So go, think possibility. 

Embrace your quirks. Be bold. Be YOU.

You can do it. Yes, you can!

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