“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me” Matt. 16:24 (NLT).

A lot of people have asked me to mentor them in the area of inspirational and motivational writing, and most often that not, those requests gets broken down after the first hang out. By the time I begin to share the price I had to pay to get to where I am and the ones I’m willing to pay to get better, it scares most of them away.

Unfortunately, I don’t really do well in sugar-coating issues. The few times I’ve tried, it didn’t pan out well.

One of the things that anyone who aspires great and excellent results should have at the back of his mind is that EXCELLENCE PLACES A DEMAND ON YOU! There’s no going around it, you have a price to pay to be excellent at what you do.

One of the demands that excellence places on you is SELF DENIAL.

Truth is, nothing of great worth comes on a platter of gold. For Jesus to attain the level of glory that He is operating at now, He had to pay the price. He denied Himself a lot to purchase the salvation that we enjoy today.

What height do you wish to attain? What kind of results do you anticipate in your career, business, academics, marriage, ministry, etc? They are attainable. Howbeit, they come at a price. Know and understand the demand it places on you and give it all it takes.




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