“Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!” – Proverbs 14 vs 23

Everywhere you go, you hear people talking about what they’d do – what they intend to do; plan to do or wish to have done. But how many people get to do those things they plan? How many plans come to fruition?
Not much!
Here’s why:
It’s easy to talk.
Everyone can talk.
But beyond the talk, you must work else you’d only be making noise.
This is why I usually say:
‘One action is better than a thousand intentions.’
The question now is: how do you match your talk with work? How do you walk the talk?

When it comes to achieving what you set your mind on, there’s nothing that beats action.

Literally, do it.
Don’t waste time trying to figure anything out.
Set out to do it and get it done.

As usual, the Bible is on hand to clear your doubts and lead you right. You get to walk the talk by:

1. Guarding your heart and mind (Proverbs 4 vs 23): You’re a function of your thoughts. If you think of acting, you’ll act. Think, act, do, repeat!

2. Get renewed (Romans 12 vs 1-2): Renew your thought line and conform to the standards of Christ. This transforms your thoughts and transformational thinking births revolutionary action.

3. Work (Proverbs 14 vs 23): To walk the talk, literally work. Just do it. Nothing else works. This is your best way to goal achievement. Take it!


Ending Notes

I’d still like to draw your attention to taking action. Just do it.
How else do I wrap this up but by quoting famous American founding father Benjamin Franklin who says:

“Well done is better than well said.”

Now go, walk your talk and get it done!

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