“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how you ought to answer every man” Col. 4:6 (KJV).

A very popular cliche used by policemen during the arrest of a suspect is; “You have the right to remain silent. For whatever you SAY or do could be used against you in the court of law”. This statement is in tandem with what the scriptures say about what we say.

Great, wise men don’t talk a lot, and when they do, they spill wisdom out of their mouth. They articulate their words before letting them out. They don’t jump on any passing discussion and start blabbing, they are intentional in their verbal communications.

I’ve had issues with a lot of people because I don’t talk when they expect me to talk. I try to make sure everything I say has an element of wisdom in it.

Going back to that cliche, the truth is that you must not always talk. You can say so much in silence. There are situations that may be orchestrated to indict you. At those times, the wise thing to do is keep quiet.

It is a travesty to give your opinion when it is not asked for. When you find yourself in the midst of nobles, don’t be in a hurry to let out the fruit of your lips. A lot of people have used their mouth to shut doors that have been opened for them by God.

The anchor scripture encapsulates all we need to know about the things that comes out of our mouth. In the next installment, I’d expound on that.






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