We have considered the need to strip him of his “object of completeness”, which makes him feel “one in all” and self –accomplished. This will make him see the need for a companion. Moving forward, we shall be exploring the personality of a companion.

A companion is simply a word conjugate of complex (company) + union. Adam was not just formed as a sole mortal entity, he was meant to associate with others, but the sad realisation of his exclusive embodiment as God’s image and complex nature precipitated God’s calculated search for a permanent companion: A wife.

A wife is a collected representation of several dimensions to her husband. God had something in mind prior to her making. Like other creatures, she was named by the man but She was not to be like other creatures littered around.

Adam was not aware that, that which makes him complete had been removed and replanted into his wife, but when he awoke, he made a satisfying statement …

“This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Gen 2:23).

This is the crux of companionship, He realised her role first (as a companion) and then her physiology (as a woman)…. It was at this juncture that Adam confessed that the woman was a part of him…

The jurisdiction of a wife as a companion is one to which the man is not ashamed or incomplete to stand before her naked, defeated, worn out and empty. She is one to whom he can comfortably share his secrets talk about his fears, challenges and woes. One to whom he can call his best friend.

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