“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how you ought to answer every man” Col. 4:6 (KJV).


I read an ancient myth of how archers lace their arrows with poisonous substances to ensure their victims stands no chance of survival. It got me wondering and I asked myself this question; the arrow with the projected momentum is lethal enough, while lace it with poison?

This actually took me back to something I read in Robert Green’s 48 Laws of Power. It reads and I quote, “if you want to kill an enemy, kill him well”. Whether or not I believe it is irrelevant to this discourse.

I quoted all of these to say that there are people whose words in the natural estate is like an arrow. However, when they shoot it at people, they still lace it with poison. They do not just hurt people with their words, they go further to kill them with the things that come out of their mouth.


Apostle Paul admonishes us to release our speeches with grace. What does that mean?

Out of many applications that I could find, one stood out for me in driving home my point. Grace is the ability God gives us to make positive impact. It then implies that the things we say should push someone to greater heights and to becoming better. Our words are meant to edify not defy others.

If you will become and manifest all that God has deposited in you, then you have to lace your words with grace to the end that someone is positively impacted by the things you say.






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