Efforts to obey the law, from the days of yore
This He saw, as we sinned so much the more
A system of relief came to the fore
Presenting a salvation scheme to the core

Some call her a living personality
Others say she’s a system of spiritual partiality
To the extreme though, she may be a worldly liberality
And a licence to practise sheer carnality

Your wild attempts to prove your mettle
Has only yielded but a miserable little
Nevertheless, Grace loses not one battle
If only given a chance to meddle

In her strengths, you never stagger
That leaves much to be desired by the feelers
When she becomes a choice feeder
Grace is one mysterious teacher

Teaching us on the right way to go
For which we need lay the enemies low
Lest we unknowingly steal the show
Feigning Masters of Grace, Oh no!

Come to Grace, for she willingly teaches
Wherein thou shalt truly learn
Like a vine that supplies the branches
Tis a replenishing source, ye mortal men

Grace beckons; oh, she doth speak
For all who must learn must be meek
Must be mortally keen to seek
She comes running when all are weak

Carefully enshrined in the Living Word
Is an eternal hope of seeing the Lord
Beholding Him face to face
Is enshrouded in the person of Grace

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