I’m a Pastor’s Kid and boy have I seen and experienced a great deal of religion. Trust me, I have no qualms with it. Again, this is not an affront on Christianity, I’m a die-hard believer. However, there are times when I just bring some things I’ve held on to and beam lasers of relevance and time on them. I put them in what a friend of mine choose to call TRUTHOSCOPE.

One of such is the way I was taught to pray. I was taught that my voice must be really loud to show my seriousness with the prayer. My problem was not what it did for me, but what it did to me. It made me see anyone who does not shout while praying as not being serious with prayer. Growing up, I had to learn that my prayers are as effective in a shout as they are in a whisper. The common denominator for effectiveness is Faith in the one who hears my loud cries as well as my silent muses when the words are heavy to let out.

However, that is not the crux of my dilemma in this short series. I want to really address a matter that has given me concern, as well as a few believers out there. The matter is this; what really is church service?

This is going to be challenging, but some people will be delivered when we are done. I will try neither to be heretical nor defame theology. Also, the opinions I express here should not in anyway be misconstrued as absolute. I’m also in search of answers as you are.

Follow me patiently on this one, you’ll be glad you did.