“Father, we are here…
Jesus, we are here…
Holy Ghost, we are here…
We are here FOR YOU…”

This song most often than not made the playlist in any Christian gathering I attended when I was growing up. Beautiful song, especially when there is a melodic syncopation between the vocals and the instruments.

I sang this song innocently and I want to believe that in the days of my ignorance, God overlooked. I have stopped singing this song because I have come to realize that my intent is not in tandem with the message portrayed by the lyrics.

In my little study of Parts of Speech in English language, I learnt that the preposition “FOR” finds functionality in variety of ways. In the context of the lyrics of this song, it is used as a function word to indicate the object or recipient of a perception, desire, or activity.

If that is true, it then means that our coming together will benefit God more than it will benefit us.

Hmmm, I want to think that I can hear what is going on in your head right now. It’s a hard pill to swallow but not to worry, I have a glass of juice to help you out.

God is all sufficient. He does not need our coming together to be any more or any less God than He is. Our gathering is not FOR him, it is for us.

We are the ones that need healing, breakthrough, provision, protection, elevation and all other things that will help us fulfill purpose.

This is the reason a lot of people develop an unruly attitude and sense of entitlement towards the gathering of brethren. They think they are doing God some favour. After all, it must be important to Him if He commands us never to neglect the gathering of believers.

Sorry to burst your bubble, your gathering is NOT FOR HIM, IT IS FOR YOU!

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