All posts by Onyinye

Hi Dear, Thanks for checking in... My name is Onyinye. I am a Faith blogger, Writer, Poet and Research Pharmacist.. I am so pleased to have you here! I hope you had a wonderful time on my blog! Be sure to have more amazing soul-lifts on a weekly basis. In search of a particular blog post ? Use the 'Search' column above' Feel free to like, share, recommend and comment on my updates. You can follow us on our social media handles too. You can also join this family by subscribing using your Email Address... I celebrate you already. God bless you.


Efforts to obey the law, from the days of yore
This He saw, as we sinned so much the more
A system of relief came to the fore
Presenting a salvation scheme to the core

Some call her a living personality
Others say she’s a system of spiritual partiality
To the extreme though, she may be a worldly liberality
And a licence to practise sheer carnality

Your wild attempts to prove your mettle
Has only yielded but a miserable little
Nevertheless, Grace loses not one battle
If only given a chance to meddle

In her strengths, you never stagger
That leaves much to be desired by the feelers
When she becomes a choice feeder
Grace is one mysterious teacher

Teaching us on the right way to go
For which we need lay the enemies low
Lest we unknowingly steal the show
Feigning Masters of Grace, Oh no!

Come to Grace, for she willingly teaches
Wherein thou shalt truly learn
Like a vine that supplies the branches
Tis a replenishing source, ye mortal men

Grace beckons; oh, she doth speak
For all who must learn must be meek
Must be mortally keen to seek
She comes running when all are weak

Carefully enshrined in the Living Word
Is an eternal hope of seeing the Lord
Beholding Him face to face
Is enshrouded in the person of Grace


We have considered the need to strip him of his “object of completeness”, which makes him feel “one in all” and self –accomplished. This will make him see the need for a companion. Moving forward, we shall be exploring the personality of a companion.

A companion is simply a word conjugate of complex (company) + union. Adam was not just formed as a sole mortal entity, he was meant to associate with others, but the sad realisation of his exclusive embodiment as God’s image and complex nature precipitated God’s calculated search for a permanent companion: A wife.

A wife is a collected representation of several dimensions to her husband. God had something in mind prior to her making. Like other creatures, she was named by the man but She was not to be like other creatures littered around.

Adam was not aware that, that which makes him complete had been removed and replanted into his wife, but when he awoke, he made a satisfying statement …

“This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Gen 2:23).

This is the crux of companionship, He realised her role first (as a companion) and then her physiology (as a woman)…. It was at this juncture that Adam confessed that the woman was a part of him…

The jurisdiction of a wife as a companion is one to which the man is not ashamed or incomplete to stand before her naked, defeated, worn out and empty. She is one to whom he can comfortably share his secrets talk about his fears, challenges and woes. One to whom he can call his best friend.


He had it all at his beck and call, wielding great wealth, power and influence over his immediate minors. Howbeit, he lacked one striking thing, and the impact became even more glaring as his job became more tasking. However, he could not detect what it was. His immediate boss and Father couldn’t help but notice the vacuum and he set about searching for an instant solution, and voila…he got it, companionship.

All attempts at prescribing possible befitting comrades were like putting a square peg in a round hole. The beautifully displayed feathers of the peacock, the oratory of the parrot, the sonority of the nightingale, the wise counsel of the tortoise, the calculated steps of the jellyfish. All of these endowments were exciting to him but the feeling was transient. They seemed not to be the main draw. Their intelligence quotients were far below the bench-mark. Thus he felt complete and self-sufficient.

His Father needed to open him up and strip him of that object of completeness” in order to make a look-alike of him in physique and reasoning. A man who thinks himself to be complete in all possible facets will soon notice a gap, of subtle but undeniable impact. And until that, which makes a man feel complete, self-productive and all-achieving is overwhelmed, he may never see the need for a companion to be effective in his heavenly task.

Stay tuned as God helps us to explore the personality and import of a companion.


If only the Creator would grant me the power to heal
Then the cheerless gates of misery, I would gladly seal
That fearless devourer armed with daily zeal
I could see the “die-hard” cringe for real

Forth would I go to the Omnipresent, whom I can seek
The Almighty, before whom the mighty are meek
Leaves many all cranky and up the creek
I couldn’t dare steal a careless peek

Wouldest I seal tis deathly deal?
Stripping off all of its bodily feel
Concealing a myriad of woes in piecemeal
Leaving us in wonder if it’s for real

Oh, that man couldst dread the inevitable pill
Resolute on populating hell to the gills
Whilst inflicting hearty pains as with a drill
The saintly host on high celebrates, more still

A drove of spirited souls, thou didst swallow
And have them landed in cheerless gallows
All we like sheep, unsteady as the marshmallows
Rotting pallor, having potentials lying fallow

Still, our roles to play in the entire gist
A Christ less life has got some nasty twists
Thus our willingness to settle in the Creator’s fist
A safe haven for all who must forever exist