Category Archives: Lessons From Acts 12


“He knocked at the door in the gate, and a servant girl named Rhoda came to open it. When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed that, instead of opening the door, she ran back inside and told everyone, “Peter is standing at the door!”. “You’re out of your mind!” they said. When she insisted, they decided, “It must be his angel.” Acts 12:13-15.

A friend of mine entered the class to teach and noticed that one of the students had glasses on and tears were running down her eyes uncontrollably. Out of compassion, he asked her to remove it and prayed for her. The little girl had faith enough to believe that her eye defect had been corrected.

A few days later, she wrongly copied something from the board and the matter was reported to the Principal. The following discussions ensued:

Principal: Where are your glasses?
Student: I stopped wearing them.
Principal: Why?
Student: My teacher prayed for me and asked me to stop wearing them.
Principal: Can you see clearly now?
Student: Yes!

Your guess is as good as mine; it was met with some level of consternation. However, the student had recieved her healing by faith. To some people around, she must be out of her mind. That notwithstanding, the healing and testimony is hers.

The truth is that your testimony might make you look weird and out of place, share it anyway. The devil will always want to downplay your testimony because he know that it is your victory asset. Do not let him stop you from testifying.

Oh! I’m so in love with Rhoda. She did not need to open the door, all she needed was to hear the voice of Peter and that was it.

I don’t know who to is for, but I’m sure it’s for someone. It may have not emerged yet, but your miracle has happened. You may not have gotten pregnant yet, but if you can hear God to the point of belief, you will carry your baby.

Elijah did not need to see the rain fall, all he needed was to hear the sound of abundant rain.

Whatever you have heard from God is enough to perfect your miracle. Just give him praise in advance. They can say that you are out of your mind, but it’s okay. Do not let them downplay your testimony.

Get out of you mind and let the world know that you do not only have a miracle, you are a miracle.

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series


“When he realized this, he went to the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many were gathered for prayer” Acts 12:12 (NLT).

It is one thing to be delivered, it is another to remain delivered. Being healed from an ailment is no guarantee for a sickness free life. It is one thing to be blessed, but living blessed is a different kettle of fish.

So what’s the difference?

Since you asked, I’ll give you my answer in the next few paragraphs.

There’s is this man that always gives me money every time I go to see him, whether at home or in the office. And he gives to me without my asking. As a matter of fact, I stopped going to see him to douse the misconception that I always go to see him because I know he will give me money.

One day, he told me the reason he was always showing me the kind gestures. He told that any time he sees me, he remembers what God did for him through my parents.

He told me how he reluctantly followed a friend to my dad’s ministry many years back and God used my mum to a proffer solution to the challenges he was having with his proposed trip to Korea. Therefore, the kind gestures he is showing me is his way of remembering and appreciating what God did for him through the ministry of my parents. Today, he is not only an established businessman, he has also helped other young businessmen to stand on their feet.

When God gives us breakthroughs, the tendency to be corky, arrogant and forgetful of the processes that led to the breakthroughs are imminent. This is one of the reasons behindwhy people crashing after rising high in life.

As soon as Peter was delivered, he located the house where prayers are being made for his release.

Of the ten lepers that where healed by Jesus Christ, only one was made whole because he remembered to return and give thanks.

Never forget the people who stood by you to ensure you get your breakthrough. This is the key to sustained blessings. This is not an obligation, nor a law that you must obey. It is an unspoken principle.

Always Remember!

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series


“They passed the first and second guard posts and came to the iron gate leading to the city, and this opened for them all by itself. So they passed through and started walking down the street, and then the angel suddenly left him. Peter finally came to his senses. “It’s really true!” he said. “The Lord has sent his angel and saved me from Herod and from what the Jewish leaders had planned to do to me!” Acts 12:10-11 (NLT).

If you read the last episode, I was able to bring to fore some of the dilemmas that Peter was dealing with. And truth be told, a lot of us can identify with some of them. It’s really a dicey place to be when you cannot give a logical explanation to while things are happening, even though you can’t stop them from happening. Well, I’ll take this thought a little further.

Can you pause for a moment and imagine what must be going on in Peter’s mind as the angel led him out of the prison gates? It is possible that he assumed that he was dead, and God has sent the angel to bring his soul for judgement (my assumptions).

Picture this: an angel shows up, the whole place becomes bright, he calls out to Peter and the chains fell off his hands. Of all the guards and inmates, only Peter saw what was happening. They walked right through the gates and the they were opening of their own accord. If I was in Peter’s shoes that night, I’d think I was dead!

Peter did not realize what was going on until the angel led him to a safe place and left him.

You might not know it, what you are going through now is a testimony in the making. It might not look good, it might not feel good, but it’s going to end good. By the time you realize what God has done, you will see that all you went through was just a pathway to your breakthrough. It will make sense why you had to go through all that. Keep trusting, keep loving, keep praising, it will all make sense.

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series


“So Peter left the cell, following the angel. But all the time he thought it was a vision. He didn’t realize it was actually happening” Acts 12:9 (NLT).

First off, we are mortals and we have the propensity to always look for a logical reason behind every occurrence. If a house collapses, it probably has a faulty foundation. If earthquake happens, it is either caused by the sudden breaking of underground rocks along faults or by the reshaping of the Earth through the movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates (geographical jargon). We always want to find natural reasons for things to happen.

Even amongst Christians, we most times feel that the blessings we enjoy is because we do certain things like pay our tithes, give offerings, pray and fast, go to church every Sunday etc. Now all of that is good, but those are merely reasons that help us explain the blessings the we enjoy. At least, the rational mind can come to terms with those reasons.

I make bold to say that there are certain things that happen, which defy the bounds of logic and reasoning. Things like a child that was rescued after being trapped for days in the debris of a fallen building, or another child that came out unscathed after being run over by a vehicle. Some things cannot just be explained by mere logic and reasoning.

The fact that we cannot explain them, does not negate their reality. Peter could not understand what was happening, he thought he was in a trance. He had no explanation to why someone would just wake him up and the chains that held him bounds broke lose. That looked so good to be real. However, though it looked so good to be real to Peter, it happened all the same.

God is giving you a miracle that will look so good to be real! Your testimony will keep men transfixed at the amazing wonders of God in your life. There is nothing that God cannot do. You may not understand it, but your breakthrough is already happening. You may not be able to explain it, but your deliverance has taken place already! You are coming out of that situation in ways that will confound the theories of men. You are receiving a miracle that will be so good to be real!

“When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad” Psalm 126:1-3 (KJV).

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series


“Suddenly, there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter. The angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said, “Quick! Get up!” And the chains fell off his wrists. Then the angel told him, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” And he did. “Now put on your coat and follow me,” the angel ordered. “ Acts 12:7-8 (NLT).

One of the things I’ve come to know about God is that He is a miracle worker and not a magician. He does not necessarily need to show off to get you to acknowledge Him as a miracle worker. He does what He does, because He is Omnipotent. He is not dramatic when it comes to showing Himself mighty, He does not necessarily need our compliment for gratification. He is not a magician that will put up make believe shows in trying to convince people that they can do wonders.

One of the greatest keys to receiving a miracle from God is quick obedience to instruction. He does not need to do all the embellishments that we see today, He just gives instructions. A quick response of faith to the instruction perfects the miracle. From the first miracle Jesus performed up till several others, the miracles were perfected by quick obedience to His instructions.

There is a miracle tied to your quick obedience to His instructions. If He says “Rise Up!”, then rise up. If He says “Go”, do not hesitate, hit the road.

“… ‘Do whatever he tells you'” John 2:5.

What instructions have you been given by God? Your miracle is in your obedience to that instruction.

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series




“And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison” Acts 12:6.

Everytime I read this text, it keeps me transfixed and startled for a while. Which normal thinking person will be sleeping a night before execution? You must be a hardened criminal or something with its similitude, to do that. A lot of preachers have geared their thoughts on this path and I really do not have any issues with that. It’s okay to brand Peter as unserious and insensitive. But that might just be a half of this yellow sun that we see in this text.

If you look from another perspective, you’ll realize that it was okay for him to sleep in that condition. The following are some reasons I think would have warranted Peter to sleep on the night before his execution.
1. He had seen Jesus sleep during a terrible storm (Mark 4:36-41). He could sleep on the night before his execution because he knew that God has got it all in control. He had peace, knowing that God can’t lie. If he has promised, he will do it. Believe me, I assume he has prayed and prayed all the while he was in prison. So he had to give his mind some peace knowing that God is in control.
2. He was ready to die for what he believed. I want to believe that the words of Jesus Christ in Matt. 5:11&12, and also Matt. 24:9, were resonating in his heart. He could sleep through that night knowing that for him to live is Christ and for him to die is gain.

My friends, a lot of things come to us to make us panic. They could be family issues, pressure from work, your business and so many other things. You need to remind yourself constantly that God has got them in control. You can sleep through the storms of your life knowing that God’s got your back. Am I saying you should not pray? No! I’m only telling you to pray as a victor and not like a victim.

You can sleep through that situation because GOD’S GOT IT!.

Your truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series


“But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him” Acts 12:5

I did a bit of research on the reason wars last for a long time. I wanted to know why the warring parties wouldn’t just do a face off at once, decide who wins or at least have a truce? I came to realize that the war will continue until one party sees no reason to fight again. Provided that there is still something to fight for by both warring parties, the war continues.

It is easy to throw in the towel and surrender to the enemy when it seems like the main reason for fighting has been captured by the enemy. That’s why you see wives surrender in the fight to keep their marriage when it looks as if the husband has moved on with another woman. You see people give up on their dream and take a detour from the path of purpose when it seems like the people they looked up to for help are not forth coming. When it seems like the main reason you are in the fight has been somewhat captured, the tendency to surrender to the enemy is high.

You can imagine the kind of dilemma the church was going through when the man vested with the authority to lead them was captured and kept in prison, awaiting execution. It was enough for the church to call it quits. But instead of surrendering, they kept on fighting in the place of prayer. If you read the text, you will see that earnest prayers was made for as long as Peter was in prison. This is because Peter was only in prison and not dead.

Friends, it may seem that everything around you is falling apart and the enemy is capturing every source of happiness. However, in the midst of it all, you still have something to fight for. Keep fighting, keep praying, keep loving, keep praising, keep trusting. God is on your side. It will all end in praise. It is not over till you win.

Don’t surrender, there’s always something to fight for!

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series


“After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover.” Acts 12:4 (NIV).

I look at Peter and I wonder what it was about him that demanded the special attention he got. He was not a politician neither was he a even a Roman citizen. Why would Herod assign 16 soldiers to guard Peter? He was not even a warlord, neither was he a notorious criminal. He was only a preacher of the gospel. There was just something about him that made Herod go that far to ensure he does not escape from prison.

Have you wondered while the enemy is always on your matter? Just when it looks like you are getting out of one trouble, another seems to show up from another side. It seems like you are constantly bombarded with pain and all its derivatives.

My dear, just like Peter, you have something that the enemy is scared of allowing you put to full expression. You have God in you and the enemy knows that. So, he is afraid of the damage you will cause when he gives you breathing space. But the truth is that he is scared.

Now the question is; why are you afraid of what is already afraid of you? You’ve got something that scares the enemy more than you ever know.

Today, my assignment is just to push you to rise above your fears and put them where they belong. Don’t be scared of things that have been designed to be scared of you. Situations may be bad now, but confidently walk through them knowing the all things work together for your good.
Your fears are afraid of you!

Your truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series


“And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread)” Acts 12:3

Let me start by saying that every situation has a potential of getting better or going worse. If you are in a bad place, there is always somewhere worse than you are now that you can go down to. If you are in a good place, it can get better. As a matter of fact, God’s design in my opinion is that you are either in a good place or a bad place for every step you take forward. How do I know this; He said it to the Laodicean church (Rev. 3:15).

From our text, you can see that Herod did not stop on his tracks after killing James, he reached out for Peter. The enemy is always scheming and devicing ways to met out trouble on you. That is why when he afflicts you with sickness, he observes as his demons are pleased, he attacks your finances and so on. He does not like to strike once, he will keep striking you for as long as you let him. You can choose to let him strike you again and again, or resist him.
“Why are you scheming against the LORD? He will destroy you with one blow; he won’t need to strike twice!” Nahum 1:9 (NLT).
“So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

If you feel stricken by the devil, make a choice to resist him and he will not need to strike twice.

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


© Transforming Words Series



“Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword” (Acts 12:1-2).

The entry phrase to this passage is highly instructive. A proper understanding of the prevalent events will give us better insights to the succeeding ones.

At the time this story was narrated, the disciples were enjoying a relative calmness and peace. They were comfortable doing the kingdom work in their little spaces. However, that was not what God intended for them (as was captured in Jesus’ valedictory instructions). God had to allow Herod to trouble them.

Could it be that the reason you are uncomfortable right now is to the end that you move from where you are to where you ought to be?

God allows troubles to come our ways so we can be provoked into leaving our comfort zones.

God raised Pharoah to push the children of Israel out of Egypt into their promised land. The brook dried up so Elijah can take his ministry to the next level.

Don’t let the trouble kill you, rather, let it push you to the next level in fulfilling the purpose of God for you. Remember that anything that does not kill you, makes you stronger.

Yours truly,
Ibeh Uche Sam


Transforming Words Series