Category Archives: UNLEASHED


When you are unleashed, there are certain things that you should be wary of. One of them is when your past failings are been thrown at you. You will definitely encounter people who will dig into your past, dig out your shit (forgive me, I have to throw caution into the wind here), and throw them right at your face. They do this to undermine the possibility that you could have ever been great. They will try to show you how undeserving you are to be great. When you encounter such people, I will recommend you ask them; So What?

The reason I recommended that question is simple; most of the things they will bring to fore may be factual. You can identify with them. It could be how you failed in a lot of businesses and now you are a top business consultant. It could be how you failed in your marriage and now you are a well sought after relationship expert. Maybe you are a music maestro but you have a very croaky voice. You may have failed in all those areas, so what? It does not matter now, those are in the past.

Please, do not get into argument with those naysayers. Do not waste your energy trying to defend their allegations, it is very distracting. It even gives room for blackmail.  As a matter of fact, in the multitude of failures, success can be achieved. You can ask Thomas Edison. Their aim is to make you begin to look at yourself below where God has placed you.

You grew up in the ghetto, so what? You cheated your way through school, so what? You slept with all your lecturers to get your grades up, so what? You are an ex-convict, so what? Whatever you do, do not allow your past mistakes dent your present story. If God has not condemned you, you stand not condemned.





(Transforming the World through the Word)


Accidents happen all the time, but it does not stop movement of people. Plane crashes do not deter people from flying, shipwrecks is not excuse enough not to travel by sea, and Auto crashes cannot prevent people from using the roads. The truth my friend is that success is always threatened by challenges, but yet, success stories emerge on daily basis. Whatever the challenge is, you can handle it.

I have said and I will quote myself again; “God will not bring your way what he has not given you the potential to handle”. If you are facing an obstacle on your path to greatness, you can handle it. If there is a situation threatening your future, or maybe you hit a rocky patch in career or business, do not fret or shudder, you can handle it. You have all it takes to surmount every challenge threatening your journey to greatness.

Greatness does not come on a platter of gold, it is attained. The path to greatness is not a rosy one. I would have loved to sugar-coat it for you, but no, I won’t. The icing comes after the baking. That you encountered a glitch on your path is not enough for you to settle for less. I dare you to dust yourself, square your shoulders and challenge that threatening situation. That is what great men do.

Let me tell you this: A threat is only meant to ascertain your confidence level. For someone to threaten you, there is a level of uncertainty on the person’s part. If he could get you down easily, he would not threaten you, he would do it outright. When you start panicking and exhibiting fear, the person takes advantage of that and tortures you physically and emotionally. The way to handle threats is to confidently face it and surmount it. It might not be a walk in the park though, but you can handle it.





(Transforming the World through the Word)


Let me start by saying that the chances of abusing anything you are not prepared for when it is given to you are very high. It has been said that when opportunity meets preparation, success becomes common place. The truth is that the opportunities that come our way on a daily basis are innumerable. It has also been said that you are not poor because you do not have money, but you are poor because you Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly. To a great extent, I agree with that (of course there are other things that makes one poor).

There is another cliché that I believe you may have heard of: “Opportunities come once”. With time, I have come to understand that there are opportunities that when they pass, they come back again. But the challenge is TIME. For every opportunity that you allow to pass, you have lost a valuable asset in time. What happens to you in life is to a great extent dependent on OPPORTUNITY and TIME.

It then behoves you to prepare yourself to take the opportunities that come your way.

To unleash your potentials, you need to find out the opportunities you have with them. It will help you prepare yourself to grab them when they come. Let us take writing as a case in question. If you are to unleash your writing potentials, you should know that opportunities abound in the area of teaching and public speaking. As you are working on your writing potential, you also work on your teaching and public speaking potentials in order to be ready for when opportunities show up in those areas.

Things should not take you unawares. God will not bring your way what he has not given you the potential to handle. The problem has always been your preparedness to handle them. I challenge you to wake up and grab the opportunities that are coming your way.

You CAN! You WILL!! As a matter of fact, You MUST be UNLEASHED!!! The world will celebrate your success and kings will come to the brightness of your rising.





(Transforming the World through the Word)


The issue I want to bring to fore in this episode is one that affects you and me. It is one that have made kings walk on barefoot while slaves ride on the back of their horses. It has made many a men lose their birth rights and positions in the scheme of things. It has also been a distinguishing factor amongst men. This is the second thing you need to know and understand as you push to become all that you have been destined to be. I want to talk about our WEAKNESSES.

You may have found yourself struggling with traits and habits that make you appear helpless when they try to manifest (I had and still have). You seem to lose all sense of comeliness and decorum when they show up. It feels like if you do not do it, you cease to be yourself. To add salt to injury, you are not happy about it so you end up depressed while you are struggling with it. Those are your weaknesses.

Like I said earlier, we all have weaknesses that we are dealing with. Now how you deal with your weaknesses determine how far you go to in life. If you must unleash the potentials that will make you great, you are going to have to intentionally identify your weaknesses and deal with them.

Do not get it twisted, your weaknesses are not designed to make you hopeless and helpless. As a matter of fact, they are there to make you stronger. The more you deal with your weaknesses, the stronger you become. Whether or not you come out strong or you capsize depends on how willing you are to deal with your weaknesses.

I urge you not to give in to your weaknesses just yet, there is hope for you. God is actually interested in helping you deal with your weaknesses. Go to Him in sincerity of heart and ask him for help and you can exchange your weaknesses for His strength. Make no mistakes about it, He will not throw a magic wand and make all your weaknesses disappear. He only helps you to the extent you are willing to obey simple instructions from Him.

I pray for you today that your weaknesses will not cost you gravely in life, they will only make you stronger.





(Transforming the World through the Word)


I do not need to sound prophetic or preachy in order to reiterate how powerful the words we release from our mouth are. If we are made in the image of God, it then means that our words have the potential and capacity to create our world. Through words, you can determine how, where and what you end up with in life. As important as spitting out negative words is, speaking positive words over your life is utterly very important.

Every man who worked with God and did exploits had to make positive declaration at some point. Moses had to speak to the rock to release water for the people of God, Joshua had to speak to the elements to favour his quest, David had to talk about God’s ability to deliver en route to bringing down Goliath, Ezekiel had to prophesy to the dry bones before they came back to life, and the list continues.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the WORD of their testimony;…” Rev. 12:11 (KJV Lite)

My friends, we are in a war of words and victory is encapsulated in our testimonies (Positive words).

Little wonder, when the Devil came at Jesus with misconceived words, Jesus selected the right words that beat the devil to his game. If you must overcome, you must understand that the weapons of warfare in Liferathon are RIGHT WORDS spoken in FAITH. Another time, I will tell you a thing or two about faith.

You have been boxed and caged for so long, it is time to unleash YOU and your creative power. if God made you in His image (and I believe He did), you to start speaking words that will shape your world to how you want it to be. Do not forget that you are a replica of God on earth and your full potential will only be reached when you begin to act like one. It is a war of words and your victory is dependent on your ability to speak the right words.





(Transforming the World through the Word)


I was a student of Biology, but I never really liked it. It did not flow naturally with me like Mathematics or Physics. However, this dislike pushed me into putting extra effort as I prepared for my High School Certificate Examination. I had to cover four different text books in preparing for Biology because I did not want it to be a science subject that will dent my grades. Well it paid off as it eventually became my second best result after Mathematics.

One of the first things I was introduced to in Biology was the theory of evolution. I was told that all living things came from a common ancestor. For instance, man evolved from the ancestry of Apes. There were a lot of scientific proofs to back that up as I was taught. This wrestled with what I was taught in Sunday school. There I was taught that God created man in his image out of the dust.

I went to a seminary secondary school so you can understand the conflict I had. Well, I had to pass my Biology exams. Hence, I studied the evolution theory and took the story to heart (at least for the period I had to study it).

After all have been said and done, this is what I believe: God created everything by the words of His mouth. He then made man out of the dust of the ground, breathed on Him and ensured that man becomes a replica of Himself on earth. What this means by implication is that man has the potential to replicate on earth what God did.

I am going somewhere with this…





(Transforming the World through the Word)


The processed information from our hearts that gets to our mouth can either be bad or good, negative or positive, destructive or constructive. I have said that whatever form they take, you need to let them out.

Someone asked: Are we supposed to utter negative things out of our mouth? I will try to answer this question here. My answer may not be absolute, but I think it will help you.

The last episode was a bit open ended and I will take it further in this episode. If you did not read my last post, please follow this link to read it so you can understand the foundation that was laid for this post.

It is instructive to know that the way you let out the processed information from your heart through your mouth differs and is dependent on the nature of the processed information. The way you let out the bad differs from the way you let out the good. It is also important to note that they are all let out as WORDS. So they can be negative words, or positive words.

How do you let out negative words?

I will want to liken negative words to phlegm. Phlegm is produced when you have a bad body condition such as cold. When phlegm comes to your mouth, how do you let it out? You SPIT IT OUT! That is exactly what you do to negative words. You do not pour it on any other person neither do you pour it on yourself. When you spit it out, you cover it with positive words.

Have you ever been so angry at someone that all you feel like doing is rain curses and abuses? You have the option to spit the curses and abuses on the person or you could let the person know that you are not happy with what they did without raining curses and abuses on the person.

If you must get to the zenith of your life, you must learn how not to pour negative words on yourself or on others. And please, swallowing the negative words will not help you. They will always find their way back to your mouth and you will never know peace until you let them out.

Do not forget, the way to let out negative words is to spit them out. Do not spit it out on yourself or others, and remember to cover it with positive words.





(Transforming the World through the Word)


Who we end up becoming in life is not just a function of the information we are exposed to, but most importantly, a function of what we do with the information we are exposed to. It has been said, and I at the moment agree, that you cannot stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop it from nesting on your head. I came across a very inspiring article that has these statement: “It is not what people do to you that hurts, it is how you take what people do to you that hurts” (paraphrased). The situations around you is not the problem, but the way you handle them is.

I believe it is no longer news that the power of life and death lies in the tongue. What comes out of your mouth is a product that was manufactured in your heart using the information you are exposed to as raw materials. Those things that come out of you have the potential to kill or make alive. It all depends on how you handle them.

The truth is that the processed information in our hearts have a way of finding themselves to our mouth. When they get to your mouth, you have two options: either to swallow them again or let them out. I will not advise you to swallow them again, that will be suicidal. I strongly recommend you let them out, good or bad.

One of the downsides of swallowing those things that come to your mouth is that they will bloat you up. I may not be a nutritionist, but bloating is not a condition that anyone will deliberately decide to accommodate. The same way, it is not healthy to take in food and not let out the digested product, it is equally harmful to your future and destiny to keep processed information in your mind and not let them out. If you must have a healthy destiny, you have to let out all the processed information on your mind. Are you burdened with a weight of processed information in your heart, LET THEM OUT!





(Transforming the World through the Word)


Growing up, I used to really like Television advertisements. I particularly used to like the advertisements of tobacco brands. As a matter of fact, Rothmans® King Size used to take me over the roof with this ending: “… the best tobacco money can buy”. It was giving me a perspective of that tobacco brand. I remember telling myself “when I am 18, I will try it out”. Thankfully, I did not.

Moving away from tobacco brands, I found the Peak® advertisement quite captivating and motivating. At the end of the advertisement, they will end with this message: “… it’s in you”. That message triggered hope on the inside of me. It made me begin to see myself achieving great feats in the nearest future. My constant exposure to this message made me see a whole lot of possibilities.

I simply wrote this piece to tell you that IT’S IN YOU. Everything you need to be great in life has been put inside of you by your Creator. You are a masterpiece. You are the original of you. You have what it takes to build that Multi-billion Dollar establishment. Oh, yours is a global fashion brand? You’ve got it in you. Maybe yours is to be an industry giant, it’s in you. Now before you read any further, take 60 seconds and tell yourself “I’VE GOT IT IN ME!”. Oh do not hesitate, declare it now.

Do not let euphoria of destiny helpers put you in a deluded state. As a matter of fact, I do not believe in your destiny helper locating you just like that. God is a miracle worker and not a magician. You have to release something from your inside that will attract your destiny helpers. Even if God was to send someone to help you become what you were destined to be, it will be in response to a signal you have released from your inside, possibly through prayer. You can get religious all you want, but you can only be made free by the truth. This is freedom coming your way today. You have release YOU from the inside to begin to dare those feats.






(Transforming the World through the Word)


If I give you a pad to write all the things that have crossed your mind to do, I am sure it will run into pages. As a matter of fact, you have been writing New Year resolutions for the past how many years? And for each time, there is something you tell yourself you will want to achieve that year. Interestingly, this year was not different. Some of those plans have been carried over to the point that they really want out. And right now, you do not even know if you are going to actualise any of those plans this year.

Let me tell you something; for every idea that is generated in your mind, you have to potential to actualise it. I always tell people that whatever you can think of, you can have it. If it crossed your mind, then it should be mined.

Now I will ask you to go to the place where you have kept that journal of ideas and get them out. Look at them again from the beginning and ask yourself this question: Did this cross my mind? If the answer is ‘YES’, then you have to quickly make a dash to the next paragraph.5-things-your-business-plan-absolutely-must-have-daymond-john-e1445877704709

The next thing I want you to do is tell yourself this: I will take the first step to make these ideas a reality and I am going to take them one at a time. Oh! That sounds relieving, right? This is just the beginning. I will need you to constantly tell yourself this and trust me, it will drive you to go for it.

That idea needs to be unboxed. You need to get it out of the book-box and start working on it. If you do not go for it, they will remain wherever you have kept it and you have the giver of the idea to answer to. My friend, GO FOR IT!

“Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer; however, if you can’t see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it”Kristin Chenoweth.




(Transforming the World through the Word)