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We toured through hospitals hoping mama will recover fast. Mama lost so much weight this one year but it has been so interesting.

We have seen a different daddy.


Mama was writhing in pain on her bed when I walked in.
“Bring me a bucket, I want to throw up,” mama said.
I brought her a small bucket. By the end of that day, she had thrown up three times. I was wondering what to do and how to help when daddy came in. I welcomed him and explained that mama had been throwing up all day.

We managed mama through the night. At 6:00 a.m. we were at Ledon Hospital but the doctors were not there. Daddy took Dr. Lekan’s phone number from mama and called him. Dr. Lekan was in the hospital thirty minutes later and mama was on admission at 7:00 a.m.
Everything was progressing well until the fifth day. Mama started complaining of pain in her lower abdomen. Dr. Lekan checked her and suggested an appendectomy. Mama and Daddy consented.
Monday came and mama was taken to the theatre. Post operation progressed well until Thursday morning – well, except that she had not passed gas.

Daddy prepared pap for mama to drink. Dr. Lekan suggested that we try the pap drink. She managed to take two spoons and couldn’t continue. Then her stomach began to distend. Daddy called the doctor in but he couldn’t explain the detention. He referred us to the teaching hospital where he was a consultant.


Dr. Eze sent mama to do a barium meal test. The result showed her intestine tied up in a knot which meant she needed another surgery to correct the anomaly.



Daddy barely traveled these days. He followed every procedure and prayed for his wife’s recovery. The day of the surgery came. Daddy signed the consent paper and the nurses took her into the operating room. The surgery lasted eight hours with a team of three doctors. Mama recovered consciousness three hours later.

We visited three other hospitals in referral to manage mama’s case. Every day came with it’s own challenge but having a patient and caring daddy eased the pressure.



Mama and I were pleasantly surprised at daddy. Mama wondered if he was the same man who married her, I wondered if he was the same daddy I’ve always known.
Then one night in Goshen Hospital, I went to the patients’ lounge to chat with the male nurse on duty. When I got back to the room, mama was unconscious. I waited patiently for her to come back. Three days later, we were driving her corpse to the mortuary.


“Children are a gift from the Lord; a productive womb, the Lords reward. As arrows in the hand of a warrior, so also are children born during ones youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be ashamed as they confront their enemies at the city gate”. Psalm 127:3-5.

As I went through these verses this morning, I was thrilled by the first, the penultimate and last sentences. They are constant reminders of the importance of children in the scheme of things. Children add colour to our world. The heart of a child is so beautiful and pure that it is a basic requirement to make heaven (Matt. 18:3).

Children are a gift from God. Imagine the feeling that comes with receiving a gift. Gifts are valued and treasured, no matter how little they are. In like manner, children are to be valued and treasured. They deserve all the love and care they can get. If you are a parent or guardian, you have a divine responsibility to take care of the children given you by God.

Children have become victims of violence and denials, especially if they are not born into rich homes. I have seen children denied basic education just because they come from poor homes. They are subjected to street or roadside hawking, excessive labour and inhumane treatments from people who are supposed to look out for them. This is not the way it was divinely designed to be.

The responsibility of bringing up a child is not solely for the biological parents. Having your quiver full of them is not necessarily giving birth to a lot of children, especially when the means of catering for them is limited. This has to do with taking the responsibility of parenting as many children as you can, even if they are not biologically yours.

As we celebrate children today, let us bear in mind that they are the future. That child abandoned by a naïve teenage mother today could turn out to be a person of repute tomorrow if given a chance to live.

“You have to love your children unselfishly. That is hard, but it is the only way”. – Barbara Bush, former U.S. first lady

“Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven”. – Henry Ward Beecher, reverend and social activist

“Safety and security do not just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear”. – Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa.