Tag Archives: hurt

Sleepless Nights 1

I got out of bed and followed the voices to the little passage that linked my room to the sitting room. The bathroom and toilet were on the right, while the sitting room was on the left. They were at the passage struggling with each other.

“Please, leave me alone sweet”, I heard her saying. But he continued.

I went over to help her. I picked up my shoe making to hit his head with the heels but she intervened, even in her distress.

“Ada m stop!”, she said even though distressed, “He’s your father. Don’t do that.”

I was disappointed. He was hurting her, yet she was considering who he was.

“You asked me to leave him? He’s hurting you. Are you sure about this?” I asked her.
“Go into your room Ada m, we’ll sort this out”, she said.

I went back to my room aware of extents I couldn’t go. The nights continued. Several of them. But I had learned to intervene differently – PRAYER.

Mama taught me to pray about everything. She showed me that part of scripture that asked us to “pray about everything”. So I added peace to my list.

Every morning and night, I prayed. I went back on my knees if I missed praying for a peaceful home. In church, prayer meetings, devotions, I prayed.

But peace never came until….


Diary of a Church Girl

©Transforming Words Series


Have you ever spoken with an incarcerated fellow before? Why do you think a lot of people are scared of going to jail? You cannot exhaustively come to an analytical conclusion about the kind of emotional dysfunction that is associated with incarceration. Every prisoner hopes that either time flies or their term gets reduced or even a pardon be granted them.
I can understand if you are imprisoned as a result of an offence you committed. But where it beats me is when you lock yourself in a prison by yourself. Why on earth will you imprison yourself? Why would you be your own jailor? Is it not crazy that you have denied yourself freedom all by yourself?
What is this little writer saying?
Do you not know that when you let hurt, bitterness and hate lurk around your mind, you are a prisoner?



An unforgiving heart is an imprisoned heart.


Let me bring my thought to where you live. Have you not noticed that when someone hurts you and you do not address it and let it linger, you automatically loose your peace whenever that person shows up? To even make matters worse, the supposed offender, sometimes, is totally unaware that you have been offended! If you find yourself around the neighborhood of my thought, you need to relocate. You need to set yourself free.

Stop deceiving yourself with this sense of entitlement that you feel. I know you are expecting your offender to realize it and apologize, it might not happen. You need to let go. You need to go find that person and sincerely forgive him or her.
You are the one who put yourself in that prison, and you will be the one to let yourself out. I dare you to take that bold step to freedom today and let go of every hurt and bitterness. You will be better for it.

©TWS 2017.

…Back and Better.