

On countless occasions have my students said to me, “Sir, I wish God can give me half the brain that you have” (paraphrased). Most, if not all, of those times, I’ll give them this reply with a warm smile; “You have the potential to do more than I am doing now. With hardwork, discipline and God’s grace, you can do anything”.

My friends, hardwork still pays. I don’t care what we have muddled it up with, if you don’t sow, you have no business with harvest. Results are products of work. How can you have the kind of results you envy when you are not ready to do the work that comes with it? 

I really do have a problem with religious folks who has misconstrued grace for laziness. God does not support laziness. Granted, you can only do as much as you have the capacity to do, but at least do something. 

The truth is that God has blessed you. However, your blessings can only be accessed if you do something.

If you desire a certain result, do the work that comes with it.

Yours truly,

Ibeh Uche Sam